It’s hard to put my work with Candice into words. Most moments in the sacred container she creates go beyond words. Something that stands out to me is that she’s a rare kind of teacher that fully embodies everything she teaches. Just by showing up in the world, totally and confidently, fearlessly, she encourages me to know my own power and to never outsource it. She is sharp and cutting in the most compassionate way, wildly intelligent. I truly would recommend working with her to…anyone. Candice knows the roots and grime, pain and darkness, just as well as she knows the ethereal, heavenly planes of bliss. We need somatic sex educators like her. Thank you for being, and for everything you bring to this world.

-Georgina Berbari

Candice helped me to embrace the queer side of my sexuality, which I was deeply ashamed of. Candice showed me, not only in how she treated & accepted me but also by assuring me that others would accept me. Which allowed me to release that shame and now have so much confidence in who I am sexually.

Since working with Candice, I've stepped into the comfort of knowing there are other people just like me and that I would be able to find partners who are open to all sides of my (and their) sexuality. I've met a partner who loves me and accepts me fully for who and what I am. And we have an incredibly playful, curious, energetic, and uninhibited sex life. As a result, we are both having, the best sex of my life!!! 

My partner and I have also met with Candice to help guide us as we have been curious to bring someone else in to play with us. She helped frame up so much to consider, which included some pieces we hadn't thought through. The information she provided and the conversation we had with her allowed us to identify for ourselves and for our partnership the level of communication we needed and that we would want from a play partner to join us.

I highly recommend working with Candice to anyone who is looking to improve their sex life, do work around their sexual trauma, or release shame around sex and sexuality.


Candice is a wonderful coach! She is inspiring, loving, kind, and holds space beautifully. She always makes me feel safe to share from the heart. She is super genuine, the real deal! In the first few months of working with her, I have learned a lot about emotional release, breathwork, and self pleasure. I always look forward to working with her particularly knowing that I will feel lighter after our time together. I highly recommend Candice as a coach for anyone looking to expand their pleasure practice, gain more knowledge about tantra, breathwork or emotional release.

-Liza P. 

Working with Candice has made a profound positive change in my life. She is so caring and compassionate. She has helped me embrace a side of myself that I was embarrassed and ashamed of. I am so thankful to have had the opportunity to work with her!


Candice offered me a space where I felt safe and supported as we excavated my internal landscapes together, through her guidance.

Candice brings her whole heart, her full presence, along with her expertise into her offerings, which translates into every moment you spend with her.

While I was navigating the seas of my experience, Candice steered the ship and held me in a container of protection that allowed me to travel deep within myself in a profound and healing way.

Through our work together I have learned and integrated deep realizations, personal revelations, while making internal space within myself, that has been transformative.

Candice helped me clear an internal path to my heart that allows me to move through life with clarity, presence, and embodied gratitude that I am eternally grateful for. 

So much of what I have gained through my experiences is a reflection of Candice and how she chooses to show up in the world.
