The Modalities Explained…

The main modalities I work with in my coaching sessions are Yoga Therapy, Breathwork, Erotic Blueprint Coaching, Sexological Bodywork and Somatic Experiencing. I also incorporate yoga asana, naked yoga and tantric teachings.

What is Yoga Therapy?

Yoga therapy is a somatic body based modality that brings assisted yoga postures into a place of ease where one may be able to speak freely about what they are experiencing in their bodies as a way to truly hear the bodies deepest wisdom and intuition.

What is Breathwork?

The breathwork I teach is a merge between Shamanic Breathwork and Holotropic breathwork using circular breathing and two-part breath to open ones system into new neural pathways, higher consciousness, releasing trauma or repressed emotions and bringing more life force and healing energy into ones body and awareness.

What are the Erotic Blueprints?

The Erotic Blueprints (created by Jaiya) are a beautiful way understanding our own erotic energy and that of our partners. Think of the Love Languages, but for eroticism! The five Erotic Blueprints are: Energetic, Sensual, Sexual, Kinky and Shapeshifter! Erotic Blueprint coaching can bring more understanding, language, practical practices to expand on each blueprint and templates for healing each blueprint.

What is Sexological Bodywork?

Sexological Bodywork is a somatic sex educated approach to embodiment, arousal, desire, healing and pattern reforming. Practices include Orgasmic Yoga Coaching and powerful ways to transform your views and practices of self pleasure.

What is Somatic Experiencing?

Somatic Experiencing is a trauma healing modality that works towards expanding ones nervous systems window of tolerance for activation/charge as a way of healing trauma and choosing new outcomes for long term change. This is not a cathartic model (such as breathwork may be) but more of a somatic sensation awareness oriented modality using support with inner and outer resources for creating more safety in ones body and experience.

What is Naked Yoga?

Naked Yoga can be a beautiful way to fall in love and deepen your sense of trust with your body, it’s strength, wisdom, shape and grace. Learn more self acceptance and experience the benefits of wearing less and embracing every part of you. (Great for couples too!)

What is Tantra?

As such a universal word, my hope is that everyone defines what tantra is for themselves, as it is such a personal and experiential journey. Tantra is a path of living or being that brings us deeper into our divine nature, giving us deeper connection tools to see the divine in ourselves and others, to connect more deeply with the universal heart and empathy of all things.

I would be happy to further explain any of the modalities or questions you may have over an info call!